Ultra Petrography & Geoscience is consulting company focused on providing solutions and assisting geoscientists and engineers with their exploration, metallurgical, concrete and geomaterials.
petrographic services
Integrated mineralogic and petrographic analysis by optical and electronic microscopy provides accurate data-driven solutions in each of the following fields:

mineral resource exploration
- Rock type classification
- Microstructural description
- Alteration assemblages
- Paragenetic sequences
- Mineral composition of ore, concentrate & tailings

exploration & environmental studies
- Exploration strategies, mapping & sampling for precious metals, base metals & geothermal exploration
- Mineralogy applied to Metal Leaching (ML) & Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) modelling & investigation
- Solutions for complex environmental projects & forensic geoscience
- Increase the value of your data inventory by Quality Assurance and Quality Control Protocols (NI-43-101 Compliant)