The challenge of finding new mineral resources is a complex activity that requires a multidisciplinary and integrated approach. Petrography is one of the most efficient and cost effective investigation tool, and provides several benefits (see Table 1).


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Petrographic ResultsOutcome and Benefits
Accurate rock type classification, including subtle differences among magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary rock types.More precise logging system, a more representative database, and more accurate geological interpretation.
Description of microstructures and mineral reactions. Identification of geological process and detailed geological history.
Breccia classification.Hydrothermal breccia types can be distinguished and characterized by petrographic analysis.
Mineral identification (Photomicrographs 1‒3) and modal percentages.

Correct interpretation of the geochemical data. In most cases paragenetic sequences can be detailed (see below).
Paragenetic sequence (of rock-forming minerals and ore-minerals, e.g., Figure 1).Identification of the appropriate petrogenetic model.
Alteration assemblage.Definition of environment of formation (e.g., K-feldspar alteration in a porphyry-style environment).
Fluid inclusion mapping (in quartz and carbonates).The essential step before a fluid inclusion study.
Elemental composition of minerals (e.g., Photomicrographs 4a, 4b, and Figure 2).Identification of all the ore-minerals within the mineralization.

Depending on the exploration stage and the complexity of the project, the petrographic analysis can help in:

  • the conceptual targeting of greenfield exploration areas;
  • interpreting the geological framework hosting the mineralization;
  • vectorizing the drilling program;
  • defining the petrogenetic model of the mineralization

Feel free to contact us for a free consultation on your explanation needs and pricing of our services.


Photomicrograph 1

Photomicrograph 2

Photomicrograph 3

Figure 1

Photomicrograph 4

Figure 2